此款作品一共有4个尺寸 每个作品都可以有两个寓意选择 提示:只是作品的名字和寓意不同,和作品外观无关,作品还是本身作品 寓意选择1 名字:山路 脚下,步履坚实 前瞻,希望招摇 人生总有峰回路转 人生都会步入辉煌 The mountain path Walk with difficulties, when you start to ascend the mountain. Looking at the top of the mountain, you will find yourself full of hopes. Everyone might have a turning point in his life, and everyone might have his golden days. 寓意选择2 名字:步步高 心存信念 自有光华引路 随青云而上 步步登高 The golden way Walk with difficulties, when you start to ascend the mountain. Looking at the top of the mountain, you will find yourself full of hopes. Everyone might have a turning point in his life ,and everyone might have his golden days. 
